One day a few weeks ago I found a link on Pinterest, of course, for some cute super hero masks. So, as any cool mom would do, I pinned it to my "kiddos" board, naturally. Towards the end of this summer school session Braden just had to have everything Batman, a new shirt, jammies, etc. We even watched a few Batman cartoon episodes (which I had to put an end to pretty quick, I had no idea how violent those shows are! Not a good cartoon for a 3 year old to watch! I think we will stick to Mickey and happy shows for awhile). But he was just loving the idea of being a good guy and helping others - we will stick with that theme and maybe just hold off on the super hero shows for a little while, I mean forever!
So this week, since he has been out of school for a little break, I have been trying to find fun activities to keep him busy (which is hard to do with a 6 month old and extreme heat in Oklahoma). I remembered that I had pinned the fun super hero masks, so to
Here is the link to the blog that I pinned, including the templates for all our favorite super hero masks. AND for all those princesses out there, she has another blog post with templates for some super cute crowns!
And, now, I present to you.....dun, dun, dun.....Batman Braden....
You can all feel a little safer now....
And of course, we couldn't leave Spiderman out!
An easy, and cheap, afternoon project made for lots of laughter and lots of fun chasing away the bad guys! Oh, how I love my little super hero!

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